Thursday, November 27, 2008

Who is Kyra?

Hey there everybody. Today I wanted to give you a little background on myself. First off, the name Kyra Michaels is a pseudonym. I chose to use a pseudonym because in my current profession I have a reputation to uphold. Also, as an aspiring fiction author, I had already made the decision to use a different name for my writing work; it only made sense that the same logic applied to this life goal as well. 

Why do I want to build an online business? I grew up poor. I've struggled most of my life just to pay the bills. My dream has always been to travel the world, to meet new people and experience their culture. Even though I'm no longer poor, It's been pretty obvious for at least the last 5 years that that dream isn't going to happen with my current job.

Like many of you, I've been trying to make money online for a long time. But I never seriously tried until a couple of years ago. As I worked my way through different programs I would inevitably get stuck. Even programs that claimed to walk you through “step-by-step” or that offered support didn't help me.  

I finally realized what the problem was. I am a perfectionist. If I don't understand something, I have a tendency to not do anything until I've learned as much about it as I can. Well, we all know how the internet is. I would try to learn and understand and get conflicting stories. And I would stop, not knowing what next step to take.

As soon as I made this discovery about myself, I knew I needed a mentor. I began ignoring all those other programs, looking only for people who were making money online that were offering coaching. Of course, everything I found was way out of my price range—there was no way I could afford that much money! When I saw Alex's video and the price I knew I had to take advantage of his offer. 

So here I am. I'm very glad to be a part of such a wonderful group. I feel like I've already made progress, and, working together, we will accomplish great things.

Until next time,

P.S. I will be out of town for a few days so I won't be replying to your comments. But don't let that stop you from posting them!


  1. Hi Kyra,

    Really nice post.

    I think it is important to reveal a little about yourself to people as it builds trust. I'm really committed to this Alex Jeffreys course and I can tell you are too.

    I've added a poll up on my site asking what video they would like me to create for them to help them out. Go over and place you vote now.


  2. Hey Kyra,

    Sorry if I took too long to come to your site. Because I've been working late after the kids are in bed I often find myself a bit lost in terms of what I've done on what/which day do you know what I mean?

    Anyway, I like the fact that you are using a psdo name, very cool. It makes you all misterious.. who is that woman? I like it.

    I wouldn't be too worried about the techy problems. I know is a bummer and it does slow us down a bit in the beginning when we are learning but you know what? We are learning and I think that as long as you surrender to this fact, that you are learning you will see things happening. Just keep the ball moving. Do not allow yourself to stop and overthink the process.

    Don't allow the analysis paralysis to hit you. Just keep moving forward with something you are comfortable with and it will happen.

    I went over your other post about your trobles with the hosting and you seem to have gotten a lot of help in terms of suggestions so I will leave it like that but please feel free to get in touch if you feel there is anything I can help you with ok/

    Good luck in this crazy but awesome journey. Good luck to us all and take care Kyra.

    In Joy With My Self

  3. Hi Kyra - international woman of mystery!

    I understand your need to remain anonymous. There are a lot of employers out there who hire snoops to troll the net and return info back to them. Then they use it against them.

    Anyway, I can truly identify with your perfectionist disease - heh, heh... I have it too.

    I'm on the Alex Jeffreys journey. Come and take a look at my blog some time and feel free to make a comment if you want.


    Gary Simpson

  4. Hi Kyra,

    Don't worry to much over hosting etc, I was scared stiff when I opened by Hostgator account, I didn't have a clue what I was doing! As it turned out, it wasn't as hard or as scary as I thought.

    If you need any help, give me a shout.

    All the best,

  5. Hi Kyra - international woman of mystery !!

    That might start to stick, lol :)

    Really glad you liked my last post over at my site. It's so nice when people take the time to give something back so I appreciate the comments you have posted.

    I see you are starting to get some feedback to your site as well. Stick at it, in my first few days I had little comments but suddenly the floodgates have opened.

    Latest comment is from our mentor, Alex Jeffreys, himself. Can you believe it???. I'm really pleased at that and it was a very lengthy and informative one as well.

    Until next time,


  6. Hi Kyra,

    Hey, just love your posting on telling us that your the perfectionist type. I just cant say more that I am exactly of that type of person as well, And that seems to be the biggest obstacle in my internet marketing journey. Always 'failed' before i get started. But it will be no more. I am determined enough to get things going around. Will really go on seriously with Alex coaching.

    Anyway, which package do you opt to for you hostgator hosting? i take the hatchling one. And using free coupon i ve got, it cost me usd11.16 for this first month. No so expensive i guess. But i cant get everything up by today. They need 24-48 hours for the proprogation works. Do you experience the same?

    Anyway I will let you know when it s up. Till then, keep posting ;)

    Hyzat Noor

  7. Hi Kyra,

    Can I start by thanking you for posting on our blog the other day. I'm afraid I have neglected posting til last night becuase I have been franticly moving our blog from blogspot to our own domain and hosting etc.

    Well I have done i with a lot of help and I have written a post on how I have done it, including exporting the blogger blog so yes it can be done!

    I would love to pass on the good will I have received from others and help anyone who is new to this like we are.
    It would be great to see you over at our blog, I have added you to our blogroll, but can't wait to update it though once you're in your own corner of the web!
    Good luck and speak soon.

  8. i like the look of your site.
    it' great that you told about yourself.

    i think it adds to the personal touch of your site.
    thanks for sharing yourself.

  9. Hi Kyra,

    I feel we are a bit similar. I'm from a poor family and I'm a perfectionist too. It's always hard for me to start doing something unless I'm confident that I can do well in it because I don't want to make mistakes. Guess what? My horoscope is Virgo too!

    But now, I'm trying to change me personality. I want to just take action and adjust it if I made mistakes. I'm sure we can do it with Alex's guidance.

    Good luck and talk soon,


  10. Hey Kyra!

    interesting to read your story. Just work on accomplishing one step at a time. You have a whole community here supporting you and wanting you and everyone else in the community to be their own success stories.

    It is exciting learning new ways to look at things, instead of having them perfect, just having them work and run with them is a new experience for me also.

    If you have technical issues I think the section about computer skills I'm building over at my blog could really help.

    Go take a look when you're back in town :)

    All the best.
    Carl Janiei over at

  11. Hi there Kira, you have been busy too I see. Wonder the 'GURU' AKA Alex Jeffreys realises how many guys are out here with eye lids propped open with matchsticks doing all these twiddly bits! lol

    Any way my blog can be found at

    I have also cobbled together a Forum in the hope that as many students as possible will join and use it as the place to post questions and receive answers. A Forum is so much better than a Blog as a Forum has several potential helpers and the Blog leaves it up to just one, its owner.

    Would appreciate you having a look, registering and testing out the functionality of the beast.

    Any suggestions and comments will be warmly received.

    in a very wet Cornwall

  12. Hi Kyra,

    Great start and good looking site. Although at times it might seem that the challenges are too much to overcome, if you take them one step at a time, you will succeed. Keep up the good work!

    I've added you to my blogroll and hope you will do the same.

    All the best,


  13. Hey!

    Great to meet you. You do sound mysterious, and now I really want to read some your other writings.

    Anyway, do try not to be so much of a perfectionist - although your blog looks great I must say.

    Once I knew of a little girl who was a perfectionist. She would not walk until she was nearly two, but when she did decide to walk she just got up and walked like you and I. No falling over, just up and at it.

    I kind of felt sorry for her because of all the fun she missed out on, learning to crawl places, then walk on the furniture and grab stuff, and then keep trying and trying and all the claps her Mum and Dad would have given her, to encourage her.

    We are all here to clap you and applaud you and help you too. And there is fun in just learning. Don't miss out on it!

    Take care, I hope you had a good trip.

    Best wishes,


  14. Hi Kyra,

    Really enjoyed reading about you. I have perfectionist tendencies as well and they really can get in the way of progress.

    BTW, I've added you to my blogroll. If you would do the same, I would appreciate it. Stop by my site when you get a chance.


  15. Hi Kyra,

    Where are you IWOM?

    Just thought I’d stick my head in here for a bit. It is so difficult to get around to everyone - a FULL time job in itself.

    Anyway, I have a little competition going on over at Gary-Land where you folks get to tease my “PROJECT X” details out of me in a game of YES/NO.

    Wanna play?


    Gary Simpson

  16. Hello

    Just wanted to visit your blog and intoduce myself
    I am Thomas Northrop. My blog address is If you visit my blog
    and leave a comment I will put you on my blogroll.

    I have just launched a Social Site for all of
    Alex's students. It will be a great place for us
    all to communicate and learn.

    The address is

    go on over and set up your profile.

    catch you later
    Thomas Northrop

  17. I just wanted to view your site and introduce myself as a fellow Alex student. I am new to internet marketing and can use all the help I can get. I have added you to my blogroll.
    Peggy Schoonover

  18. Hi Kyra and fellow students,

    Love your blog theme, Kyra. Nice work.

    LISTEN, EVERYONE PAY ATTENTION! I have a terrific Christmas present for all of you. Terrific is an understatement. This will most definitely be the greatest Christmas present you will recieve this year! I guarantee it. It’s worth $4,000! Yes, not a typo.

    Everyone get over to my blog ASAP at and read the posts from Dec.16th and Dec.18th. Don’t wait even one second or you will miss this. It isn’t going to be there for long, and I want all of my fellow students to get this NOW!

    Tell all of our fellow students about this, but nobody else please. If you wait you’ll be very angry when you see what you missed out on.

  19. Hey Kyra,

    Great blog!

    Mark Call here, a fellow student of Alex.

    Wanted to drob by and let you know I added a link to your blog on my site!

    Was hoping you could pop by and leave a comment and introduce yourself ...

    I have added video to my blog... the leave video comment button is a little hidden, but right under the blue leave comment button. If you have a web cam, a vide comment would be great. If not, please leave a text comment!

    Look forward to working with you and the other fellow students.

    Be sure to subscibe at my blog .. k!

    If there is any chance of adding me to your blogroll, it would be great!

    Keep up the GREAT work and will see ya on tonights webinar!

    Mark Call

  20. Hi Kyra,

    Fellow Alex Jeffreys student here!

    I am doing a promotional video, and wanted to know if I could use a screenshot of your site?

    Could you drop me an email to let me know?



    ** P.S. Can I give you a new Ipod? **

    I’m running a FREE monthly prize draw for Registered Users
    You need to be IN IT TO WIN IT!

  21. Hi Kyra, sound like a good idea to keep some anonymity.

    The question is, what you're going to do when you become rich and famous :)

    But I guess at that time you'd have the choice of continuing or not with your current profession, wouldn't you?

    Warm regards,
    Fellow Alex Student

  22. Hi Kyra,

    A wonderful inspirational post.

    I’m a fellow student of Alex Jeffreys. Just wanted to say hello, and wish you all the very best on your Marketing With Alex journey.


  23. Hi Kyra,

    I just want to let you know I have a new post about the traffic competition. Feel free to check it out, the more people join the better for all of us. It`s a program that is made by Mike Filshaime

  24. Hi Kyra!

    I love your blog. It looks great! You just need to update a I am sure you will. I know this time of year is very hectic. I thought I would just nudge you a bit. :-)

    How is the traffic coming along? I am interested to know any tips you might have on driving traffic to your site. Lol... me and all the rest of Alex's students.

    Have a great New Year, and see you in the webinar.


  25. Wishing you a very happy and prosperous new year.

    I hope your 2009 Internet business will give you everything you have ever dreamed of.

    One Big Word Of Caution!

    And PLEASE DONT JUST TAKE MY WORD FOR THIS. I will try to back it up with some facts.

    Unfortunately we are in a global financial situation none of us have ever seen before. You need to consider very carefully which currency you trade in. Then consider very carefully in which countries you bank and keep your money in. At the Moment experts are predicting the British pound and the American dollar both currencies are going to collapse within 2 years your £s and $s could very well be worthless in just a few months

    I Hope I am talking a load of Rubbish.

    But a FIAT based currency A DEBT economy in which we operate; in history has never lasted very long perhaps a 100 years. In other words, the bubble will always burst collapse is always inevitable. The amount of debt we have, makes it impossible to come back from. You Cannot Pay A Debt with a debt. It’s Impossible.

    But first watch a couple of experts tell you how they see the future, forewarned is forearmed and I would suggest taking this into consideration so you can position yourself into the right financial position.

    At the moment our politicians US & UK are the last people to listen to. They are basically saying anything that keeps the people quiet. They are telling us what they want us to hear.

    I could keep writing for ages about FIAT currency, debt money, Offshore Banking, Tax havens etc but to give you an idea so you can judge for yourself go to my blog click on the header WHERE’S YOUR MONEY GONE? And watch the program. Please leave a comment this can be good or bad this is something we are all in together, and there are millions of other people that will be effected and will need our help.

    We are in a global business so we bank global, live global, for our own benefit.

    Best Regards


  26. Hi Kyra,

    It’s taking me for ever to get round everyone just to say hi, so I don’t want you to think I am being rude, but I’m turbo hopping to get round as many of the F500 that I can. If I wait for you to come to me, it might never happen. Thanks to all who have already visited Planet Valz.

    This means I have a standard message for everyone, and I’m leaving it as a comment to the latest post. I hope this does not offend you as communication and generosity is what is driving this.

    Firstly, my wishes to you for a Happy, Healthy and very Prosperous Year 2009.

    Secondly, I want to give you a New Year present, but you need to go to

    I am happy to add you to my blogroll when you come over.


    P.S. Hey, what happened, honey? I don't see anything for December, and I thought I was behind! Come on, don't waste your money, and let those dreams slip away, and is it, again? We are a fantastic community and if you go to http:/// you will see who is active, and you will see the current posts as they are made.

    I'll be looking out for your name.

  27. Hi Kyra,, Michael here, a fellow Alex Jeffrey’s Student!
    Just wanted to pop in and say hello!
    Kyra, you paid $500.00 to learn about Coaching by Alex Jeffreys and you haven’t made a post in 6 weeks! What ever you are up to, please share with all of us fellow students, as I am sure, its either a real money maker or is just plain fun!
    BTY, stop by my blog, Enjoy 10 Michael Cheney VIDEOS --FREE--on Affiliate Marketing! No Catch! Just come on by!
    I have never been a big fan of Network Marketing opportunities but this one has made me a believer. See my comments about Web Prosperity on my Blog or don’t let this one pass you by!
    “To make changes in your life, you must make a change!”
    To your Success in Life!
    Michael Adams, MCSE
    Santa Clarita, CA 91351 Blog
