Wednesday, November 26, 2008

In the beginning...

So, after years of trying to make money online, I signed up for Alex Jeffrey's coaching program.  This is the beginning.  And this blog will serve as a record of my journey.  I welcome all of you who want to follow me as I do this and look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions.  I will tell you all about myself soon, but for now I want to get back to learning about the features this blog offers.  



  1. Hi Kyra,

    Thanks for the kind comments over on my blog. It's nice when you get some feedback. I've added you to my Blogroll so other students should easily be able to find out how to get to your blog.

    It's going to be awesome this!!! Let's all help one another and I'm sure we will all succeed.

    The thing I have focused on is just doing something. Work out how to refine it later so well done on your first steps in getting your blog up and running.


  2. Hey Kyra,

    It can seem like information over-load at first, you are off to a great start you have your blog up and running.Kyra, what I think is different about this coaching program compared to all of the others is we have mentor,that really does care about our success,he is not going to leave anyone behind.That is why I believe he has become so successful.We are all going to help each other out and become good friends doing it.


  3. Howdy Kyra - International Woman of Mystery...

    Just thought I'd let you know that I have added your hidden identity (LOL!) to my blogroll to give you a back link.

    If you want to come over to my place and leave a message and add your URL you will get another link back here to your neck of cyberspace. That will give some more strength to the webring that we are building. Cool huh?

    Anyway, you can read more about that (webring) with a post I made and all the other comments that are attached to it.


    Gary Simpson

  4. Great posting and a wonderful beginning, and as a fellow student of Alex, I now have you on my blogroll. Please comment on my blog to, as I only got it up yesterday!! :)


  5. Hey Kyra- As a fellow newbie I hear ya. It's all a bit much info to start, but we have all made a start and thats what matters. I have had to learn to pace myself as I was getting frustrated at the slow progress I'm making but I realise that we are all at different levels, and although I'd love to have a fully kitted-out blog with daily traffic in the thousands...I don't! Well... not yet anyway ;).
    It will happen in time as it will for you. Just one hurdle crossed each day... no matter how small, will be one step closer to your goal, and you know what Kyra? Once we have mastered this course with Alex, and we all have our Profit pulling websites pulling profits,..... we can duplicate what we've achieved over and over again, exploding our profits. Pretty exciting yes? Come on over and say hi. you will see I have added you to my Blogroll, so there is another backlink for you. You can get there if you really want it my friend. Give it your best shot.
    Happy bloggin'
    Phil Jones

  6. Hi, my name is Paul Hamilton and I am also one of Alex's students. I just thought I would say Hi.
    I have been so busy trying to catch up with everything that Alex is teaching us that I haven't had time for anything else. Isn't Alex fantastic? I just cannot believe how much I am learning. Love your blog. Would you please add my site to your blogroll. Thanks Paul.

  7. Hi,
    My name is Al Bushert and I am also one of Alex Jeffrey's students.
    I am new to this and am trying to catch up with everyone.
    Please check out my blog at
    I would appreciate any and all comments.
    Please add me to your blogroll.

    Thanks for all.


  8. Hi Kyra,

    Good choice I am a student of Mark Terrell's and I was in the same spot till I took coaching lessons best move I made. I would love it if you stop by my blog and let me know what you think. It is at

    Good Luck In Your Journey
